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I would be… if I could get out of my head Oboe, Elektroniks & Video

I would be… if I could get out of my head Oboe, Elektroniks & Video

Patrícia Pinheiro – Oboe & Elektroniks
Chiara Stuto – Stage & Video

We find ourselves increasingly distant from our own emotions,
turning away from the voices that scream within us, choosing instead to look outward, as if the answers lie somewhere beyond.

But what possibilities might unfold if we dared to step out of our own minds?
What if we embraced the world, both inner and outer, with curiosity – even in the face of the greatest adversity? Perhaps we would uncover countless voices waiting at every corner, yearning to be heard, accepted, and brought to life.

What do they sound like? And what does the fear sound like that fights so desperately to silence them?

In „I WOULD BE… IF I COULD GET OUT OF MY HEAD“, Patrícia Pinheiro (oboe and electronics) and Chiara Stuto (video and stage design) weave sound and visual art into a profound dialogue. Featuring works by Alissa Morris, Diana Syrse, Mary Jane Leach, and Jacob TV, this performance explores the delicate boundaries between inner and outer worlds, offering an experience that is emotional, curious, and boundless.

Gefördert durch das Stipendium #MusikerZukunft der Deutschen Orchester-Stiftung, und mit Unterstützung des FOKUS Forum für künstlerische Umsetzung e.V..

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04318 Leipzig

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von 10,00 € bis 18,00 €

15,00 €

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10,00 €

Füge BesucherInnen Ticket, Ermäßigt zum Warenkorb hinzu
Soli Ticket

18,00 €

Füge BesucherInnen Ticket, Soli Ticket zum Warenkorb hinzu